
What is the game scum based on
What is the game scum based on

what is the game scum based on what is the game scum based on

I got over the DCC weird dice thing, but the FFG weird dice thing still bugs me to no no end. My friend Todd says i should just run a Star Wars Fantasy flight Star Wars game, but the weird dice in the FFG really bother me for some reason. It’s very analogous to Star Wars and I almost with it was a free standing Star Wars hack, but its just different enough to avoid legal shit up in its business. Its really pretty neat and super flexible. It’s a d6 based system using narrative modifier that define your rolls effect and position. I actually hate the name mostly because i can never spell Villainy right the first time. Ice been really excited about the recently published sci fi hack of it called Scum and Villainy. The best of which i think is the Forged in the Dark Systems.īlades in the Dark is a game kind of based on Powered by the Apocalypse. Evil hat which has been mostly known for it’s Fate system games (Dresden, Spirt of the Century, etc) has branched out into a few different game systems lately. It’s the Blades in the Dark system by John Harper and published by Evil Hat Games. Lately I’ve been absorbed with a new RPG system that I’m dyring to run. Sorry it’s been awhile between boths, but such is life.

What is the game scum based on